Posts Tagged '.Net MF'

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M2Mqtt : bug fix and new version


If using version you realize that Connect and Disconnect events are not raised ... it is correct ... they are not handled in the client and you need to update the library or ignore them !

I released an update M2Mqtt library (version that lays out this oversight.

Following the code merge between the M2Mqtt client library and the future GnatMQ broker I made the mistake of including the SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE, CONNECT and DISCONNECT messages handling also in the client (of course without any sense) with the corresponding events.

The update is available as always on Nuget and I proceeded to update the corresponding M2Mqtt4CE component for Windows Embedded Compact 2013.

M2Mqtt : MQTT for all .Net platforms with a new version and more social !

Also this time an update arrives on time for my M2Mqtt library now reached to version ! The main updates concerning better management of QoS Level 2 , some client properties exposed to the outside but especially the fact that it assessed and added some requests that I received by users that obviously thank you ! Also, in some parts of the source code you will see a compilation directive that is conditional on the definition of the symbol BROKER ... why ? I standardized the library code of M2Mqtt with the code of a MQTT broker that I am developing and which will shortly be released in beta version. Its name is GnatMQ and the project is already published online on CodePlex and then open source. Please note that currently it is still a version in development and not completely stable but the release is imminent ! In addition to updating the project on CodePlex , I updated its package on Nuget ( which has now passed 1000 downloads ! ), the code in the Microsoft Gallery and the project M2Mqtt4CE to in ...

MQTT Client + Inflight Queue = M2Mqtt 3.0 !

My M2Mqtt open source library has finally come to version 3.0 with two important news ! In the first place, the operations of publish, subscribe and unsubscribe have become completely asynchronous. Until the previous version , the corresponding methods were synchronous even if the library raised related events on published message and subscription / unsubscription occurred. In particular , in the Publish() method the exchange of messages with the broker was run  to ensure the required QoS ( PUBACK for QoS 1 , PUBREC , PUBREL and PUBCOMP for QoS2 ) while in the Subscribe() and Unsubscribe() methods handled the acknowledge ( SUBACK and UNSUBACK ). Now , these methods not bother to put a message in a queue and immediately return the message id itself , which is why there is a "breaking change" on the Subscribe() method that does not return the array with the "granted" QoS level. This array is still provided at the end of the asynchronous operation in the event args object of the corresponding event. I tal ...

Microsoft Embedded Conference 2014 : a great second edition !

On Saturday 15th of February was staged the second edition of Microsoft Embedded Conference which was held at the Holiday Inn in Naples and organized by the DotNetCampania community (I am a member of it), and Embedded101, this community that is a reference on Windows Embedded of which, I’m a "board of directors" member since November 2013. Also this year there was a good turnout of attendees even though it was Saturday, because the main topic was the Internet of Things and M2M Communication of which we hear persistently in the last period as the business of the future for the big network. At 8:00, the team was ready for the preparations and organization in order to accommodate very well the attendees and ensure that the event will start on time. As with all events, we started with the keynote of our president Michele Aponte, who presented the community and to whom I have given ...

Channel9 : NFC library for all Windows Embedded platforms on Coding4Fun


This time Creg Duncan had to give more than usual explanations to justify the very first constant presence on the Coding4Fun blog!

“Today's Hardware Friday post is another project from our Friend of the Blog, Paolo Patierno (yeah, yeah, I know, it seems like I'm posting his stuff all the time, but hey, it's cool stuff) !”

I'm glad that my "small" open source projects had quite successful and this is the time of uNFC library that implements support for the NXP PN532 NFC chip for all Windows Embedded platforms (from. NET Micro Framework to Windows Embedded 8 passing Windows Embedded Compact).

About this library ... tomorrow it will be featured at the Microsoft Embedded Conference in Naples in a demo on Smart Home & Smart Factory System!

As always .... it is a pleasure to be there!

A bocca aperta

.Net Micro Framework 4.3 QFE1 is finally here !!

After waiting for months to watch this post on the blog of .Net Micro Framework team …. finally 4.3 QFE1 version is officially released ! It's been over a year since the last release of the 4.3 RTM version, but I hope that with the advent of the Internet of Things, Microsoft will support better this product that has huge growth potential. Compared to RTM, these are the bug fixes: Work Item: 1874 - Interop compilation fail for project name with dot ('.') Work Item: 509 - Add BitConverter Work Item: 1951 - StringBuilder.Replace Exception Work Item: 2012 - StringBuilder.Replace previous bug resurfaced again Work Item: 1784 - Array.BinarySearch() not accepting null comparer Work Item: 1855 - SDK Installer for 4.3 shows incorrect error message Work Item: 1400 - URI parsing fails when :XX sequence appears and no explicit port is used Work Item: 1738 - var uri = new Uri( ...

.Net Micro Framework 4.3 QFE1 : news on the future release

I follow constantly the post on the official .Net Micro Framework blog  to read the news about the release of version 4.3 QFE1 (currently on RTM).

A few days ago there was an update of Philip Lo (which is part of the team along with the author of the post ShiZhe Jiang), which speaks of a "legal team" that is blocking the release on CodePlex since December 2013 .... I wonder why !

Following what Philip Lo said ...

For the .NET MF 4.3 QFE 1 release, I'm wrestling with our legal team to get this update approved for publishing on Codeplex since early December. Seems legal is shuffling people around, and new faces with no history of past .NET MF releases is causing hiccups. Needless to say I'm trying other avenues to jog legal's memory of past releases to get this update approved.

Also this time we just have to wait, hoping that it won’t be a new update on the blog but the official release on CodePlex!

A bocca aperta

Channel9 : SPI bus and .Net Micro Framework on Coding4Fun


Quoting the words of Greg Duncan, I’m a "friend of the blog"!

The weekly Friday post on Coding4Fun blog on Channel9 refers to my article on the SPI bus and its use with the .NET Micro Framework (on Netduino board).

It 'a pleasure to be there !

A bocca aperta

uNFC library : NFC with the Windows Embedded platforms

After the previous two articles describing the SPI and I2C buses and their use with the .Net Micro Framework, it is now finally time to see a practical application with my latest project available on CodePlex : uNFC – NFC library for .Net platforms ! Introduction : software and hardware support This library allows to use NFC integrated circuit connected to your PC (via serial) or to embedded system based on Windows Embedded Compact or .Net Micro Framework. It supports all three types of .Net Framework : .Net Framework 4.0 for PC based on Windows 7 / 8 or embedded systems based on Windows Embedded Standard 7 and Windows Embedded 8 Standard; .Net Compact Framework 3.5 / 3.9 for embedded systems based on Windows Embedded Compact 7 and Windows Embedded Compact 2013; .Net Micro Framework 4.2 and 4.3 for embedded systems like Netduino boards and .Net Gadgeteed boards; The library supports NXP PN532 chip but it also defines a little framework so that y ...

.Net Micro Framework : let’s use I2C bus !

At the same as SPI, analyzed in a previous article, the I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit) is a synchronous communication bus used to connect and exchange data between a microprocessor and external devices; it was developed by Philips, now NXP, today it is "de facto" standard. Bus description The I2C bus is also known as two-wire as it is characterized in all the effects of only two "wires": SDA (Serial Data Line) : line for the data transfer; SCL (Serial CLock) : clock for data exchange; The lines abovelines  are always characterized by a pull-up resistor that has the task of maintaining the signal "high" (logic 1) in conditions of idle while the interconnected components (master and slave) have the task of lowering the level to transfer a logic 0 and release it to bring it back to idle and transfer a logic 1, this behavior is typical of the open-drain lines. Similarly to SPI, you can have multiple slaves connected to the bus and a single master to communicate wit ...




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    this is a good post that you have written you can add more about the outlook or some other technology...

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